Raging Red-Eye Bladder Infection—Another Homeopathic Miracle!

We were on our way from Pucón, Chile to Prague a few weeks ago to give a homeopathic seminar. We’re talking about an hour flight to Santiago, then another 12-14 hours to Madrid (depending on wind fluctuations) and, finally, a couple of hours to Prague.

I am a real road warrior veteran air traveler. Imagine my shock, in the Madrid airport en route to Prague, when I hit the bathroom and peed bright red! It was painful, too! Definitely one of those, “Oh, s….t moments!” 

We usually travel with a 350-remedy black, leather homeopathy kit, but we were limited on space and took “only” our famous (we’ve sold thousands of these over the years) Homeopathic Self Care Home Medicine Kit! It turned out to be enough.

What to do? Right there, in the airport, I started taking a dose of Cantharis (Spanish fly) 30C every couple of hours. After arriving in Prague, with a little over 24 hours until I was to teach all day, my urine was clear and the pain gone. Whew! I had visions of having to excuse myself every 30-60 minutes from teaching to go use the bathroom. It wasn’t necessary, to my huge relief.

I did notice the uncomfortable sensation in my bladder come back after a couple of cappuccinos (coffee can sometimes interfere with homeopathy), so I took the Cantharis again and held off on the coffee. Just for good measure, I asked the students at the seminar if someone could bring me a dose of Cantharis 200C. They did and I took it, but I was fine by then.

Cantharis is not the only remedy for acute bladder infections, but if it comes on quickly, the urethra and bladder are quite painful, and the urine is bloody, it’s the first remedy of choice. I sure am glad I’m a homeopath!

So, if you think the only answer for a raging bladder infection is antibiotics, think again!