Questions Women Often Ask About Homeopathic Care

by Dr. Judyth Reichenberg-Ullman and Dr. Robert Ullman

The following are questions we have received over time from women asking about homeopathic care.

What are the chances that homeopathy can help me?

Of course, your prognosis with homeopathic treatment depends on a number of factors, including diagnosis, overall state of health, mental attitude, lifestyle, and degree of happiness with your life. However, the most important factor is whether your homeopath can find the best medicine for you. We typically estimate at least a seventy percent success rate if you continue with homeopathic medicine for at least a year. Enough positive results should be evident within several months to have a good idea whether the medicine is correct.

How can homeopathy help if my problems are hormonal?

Hormonal imbalances are, like any other problem, a result of an imbalance in your vital force. If that overall equilibrium is effectively addressed, your hormones, along with any other symptoms, will improve considerably. It is not the case, with homeopathy, for only one symptom to improve while the others remain the same. The homeopathic prescription addresses all of you. If you suffer from endometriosis, migraines, and depression, the same medicine will significantly help all of these problems.

Can I still be treated homeopathically if I am taking hormones, antidepressants, or other drugs?

Definitely. You do not need to stop any medications before beginning homeopathic treatment. It is common, though, once you are feeling better in all ways, to no longer need some of the medications you were taking previously.

What if I have serious pain, such as excruciating bladder infections or periods?

It is a misconception that homeopathy can only help with minor complaints. To the contrary, we expect dramatic and rapid relief from severe bladder pain, in the case of cystitis, and profuse menstrual pain, or excessive flow, should diminish within hours to days.

Can homeopathy also help depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, panic attacks?

We specialize in the homeopathic treatment of mental and emotional problems, and have written articles in The Townsend Letter for twenty years. We have documented many long-term cases of our patients with these and other psychiatric diagnoses, improving considerably with homeopathy. Many of these individuals no longer need their psychotropic medications.

Do I have to stop taking my vitamins?

Not at all, but you may find that you need to take fewer supplements to feel just as good or better, since your homeopathic medicine will treat all of you.

Do I need to change my diet?

Many of our patients are relieved to find that, with the right homeopathic medicine, they no longer need to follow highly restrictive diets to feel good. But healthy eating, exercise, and lifestyle can only enhance the positive effects of the homeopathy. If you are happy with your diet, restrictive or not, it is not required that you change it for homeopathy to work.

Will homeopathy help me lose weight?

Perhaps indirectly by helping you to be healthier and more energetic, but you will still need to eat sensibly and get plenty of exercise.

Can I begin homeopathy while I still following conventional treatment?

Absolutely. There is no need to wait.

Can I pursue other natural treatments along with homeopathy?

Yes, but it is best not to make other changes, once starting homeopathy, until it is clear whether the chosen medicine is correct.

How does homeopathy compare cost-wise with other types of treatment?

The initial visit may cost more, because it lasts one and a half to two hours, but follow-up visits are comparable. Homeopathic medicines cost a fraction of that of pharmaceuticals. In addition, you are likely that you will spend far less on nutritional supplements. The long-term cost is quite reasonable because appointments are initially six weeks apart then, when you are doing well, two to three months apart.

We wish you the best with your health and healing, whether you choose homeopathy or another treatment approach. Remember to love your body and to be grateful for each moment. And remind yourself that, on some level, you are already healed.

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