We count our blessings every day that we are homeopaths. That, somehow, we found this amazing system of healing (or it found us) and that we have been able, for nearly 40 years, to help patients and educate the public about the miracle of homeopathy. It is unthinkable that this could be taken away from us and from you, but it is not impossible.

As most of you know from some of our past communications, homeopathy is in significant danger in the U.S. Plain and simple: Even though, as you know, homeopathy is safe, natural, affordable, and highly effective, there are those who would like to see it disappear. This is happening worldwide, but the particular threat is in the U.S. and is immediate. The FDA has, for decades, adopted a benign and permissive attitude concerning homeopathy. THAT COULD CHANGE VERY SOON. We don’t want to alarm you, but it is conceivable that a law could pass, as early as January 1, 2020, making it impossible to acquire homeopathic remedies in this country.

It is difficult to know how serious the situation, but it is not the time to remain complacent.

In brief:

The FDA, historically, has been fundamentally about protecting the public and “doing no harm.” We agree with this. That is why we practice homeopathy! The problem is there are those with the best of intentions and those who would like to see homeopathy disappear from the U.S. (and the world) entirely! This is not new. For those of you unfamiliar with the history of homeopathy in the U.S., this basically happened in 1910. It was not until our generation of homeopaths, in the late 1970s and early 80s that
homeopathy experienced a rebirth in this country. The worst-case scenario is that homeopathic remedies would basically be considered illegal as early as January. There is conflicting information, but BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY.

This link from Americans for Homeopathy Choice describes succinctly the current issues:

Unless the current “guidance” that is being put out by the FDA is challenged, we could be looking at the end of homeopathy in this country!  If the FDA, can declare that homeopathic drugs are “new,” each remedy can be subject to an approval process that costs up to $100 million (what it costs to get a “new drug” on the market).  We have superior manufacturers in this country who take their mission to make good remedies for us.  They would be severely impacted by such a ruling.

So, the next step, legally, is to “buy time.”  We need to stop the FDA from implementing its current “Draft Guidance,” until we have a strategy to find our “right relationship” with the norms of our nation.  Sign the petition to stop this from moving forward.