
  • A Child With Asperger Syndrome and Sensory Processing Disorder

    A subgroup of the youngsters on the autism spectrum are highly, evenly painfully sensitive. The normal stimuli and environments to which we are exposed in our daily lives are more than they can handle. The diagnosis of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) is given to these children. Homeopathy can be a excellent approach for these children for a number of reasons.

  • Homeopathy: A Highly Effective Alternative to Antidepressants

    Having begun our work in the psychiatric field 40 years ago, we witnessed the side effects of psychiatric medications, especially for schizophrenia, some of which were irreversible. Today, conventional medicine still offers no impressive answers for schizophrenia. Mainstream medicine also offers no magic pill to assist recovery from sexual abuse and multiple personality disorder. So now, more than ever, we are advocating for safe and natural treatments as an alternative to antidepressants for treating depression and other mental health concerns.

  • Ear Infections: Homeopathy Is a Miracle!

    For childhood ear infections (otitis media), your pediatrician will probably prescribe antibiotics and myringotomy (ear tubes inserted surgically) as the only treatments for otitis media. Both of these treatments have been challenged in various studies and appear to be no more effective, long-term, in preventing recurrences of otitis than placebos. Why subject your child to this stress and trauma when homeopathy is extremely likely to heal your child of the ear infections as well as other constitutional problems?

  • Traveller’s Diarrhea: A Quick, Sure-Fire Answer

    If you venture off to exotic destinations, sooner or later you are likely to get “the runs!” Diarrhea is one of the most common travel complaints. Fortunately, Homeopathic Podophyllum will get you out and about- safely – remarkably fast much of the time.

  • Malaria: A Homeopathic Approach

    Up to 40% of the world population in 100 countries are at risk for malarial infection, resulting in infection of 300-500 million people and over one million deaths each year. Every thirty seconds a child somewhere in the world dies of malaria. No effective malaria vaccine has been developed, despite tireless effort on the part of many researchers around the world. Drug-resistant strains are spreading and global warming is making the problem worse. New research shows promising results with homeopathic remedies.

  • 10 Questions to Ask Yourself to See If Homeopathy Is Right For You

    When we told folks we were naturopathic doctors in the 80s, they invariably queried, “What is that?” Now natural medicine is a household term, big business, and in great demand worldwide. With so many different options, how do you know which approach to choose? This article offers 10 questions to ask yourself in order to assess whether homeopathy is the best match for you.

  • Your Homeopathic Travel Kit: Don’t Leave Home Without It!

    Travel is wonderful, stimulating, and just plain fun while also expanding your horizons—unless you are sick! Pack a homeopathic travel kit and when needed take a few tiny granules of the right homeopathic remedy and you’ll be back on your feet in no time.

  • Is Homeopathy Right for You?

    When we first dipped our toes into the stream of natural medicine some thirty years ago, options were relatively few. Now we are impressed by how many different natural options are available. How bewildering it must be for some of you to decide what to pursue.