Acute Grief During The Pandemic

Are you unable to contain your deep sadness and grief? About having lost those near and dear?
About not being able to travel to see your family and closest friends? Of having lost your job and livelihood? Grieving that you may never be able to get together again with those who mean the most to you? That your kids may lose touch with their grandparents and extended families?
That you may never be able to take those trips for which you had planned and save?


The number one for acute grief is Ignatia (St. Ignatius bean). It can produce astounding and rapid relief the kind of grief during which the person experiences uncontrollable bouts of crying, even wailing, following the death of a loved one, the loss of a partner, or any other deep, heartfelt loss.

– The grieving individual may feel choked up or a lump in the throat.
– Deep, loud sighing
– Changeable and contradictory emotions.


Rescue Remedy, a Bach Flower essence, may help temporarily, but Ignatia will work more quickly and deeply.

Deep breathing or alternate nostril breathing (in through the left, out through the right to the count of four, then switch to the other side) can calm you down if you feel on the emotional edge.

There are many other constitutional homeopathic remedies for the whole person to ease the pain and suffering of loss. I have decades of experience helping patients with just these problems.

If you need support, please do get in touch.


Our book is available for purchase here: The Homeopathic Treatment of Depression, Anxiety, Bipolar Disorder and Other Mental and Emotional Problems